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Break Up With Your Burning Bush! 

Click the Billboard to find out why!


ISAC raises awareness and slows the spread of invasive species in Dubois County 

About ISAC

In 2015 several individuals and agencies came together, all concerned about the ever growing problem of invasive species in Dubois County.  With help from Southern Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM), we formed the Invasive Species Awareness Coalition of Dubois County or ISAC.  


ISAC is a partnership also known as a CISMA (Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area), made of concerned landowners, nature enthusiasts, public lands managers, and natural resource professionals.  We focus on identification, public awareness, mapping and eradication of invasive species in Dubois County.  Our activities include hosting invasive mapping/control volunteer workdays, booths at fairs and festivals, landowner trainings, and developing handouts to educate local citizens.  

Contact us if you have any questions about local invasive species, or to join our email mailing list for updates on upcoming planning meetings and events.  Our meetings are open to everyone and usually include an educational presentation on a specific invasive plant or management topic.  You can also follow us on Facebook.  

What are Invasive Species?

Invasive species are plants and animals not native to our area that negatively impact our environment, economy, and/or public health.  While often brought here on purpose, for landscaping, erosion control, and other purposes, these invasives have since spread to to aggressively invade natural areas and out-compete beneficial native species.  Some invasive species in Dubois County include Japanese Honeysuckle, Autumn Olive, Emerald Ash Borer, Callery (Bradford) Pear, and Poison Hemlock.  For more information, check out our Resources Page.

2025 Jasper Home Expo

2025 Jasper Home Expo

Callery Pear Billboard

Callery Pear Billboard

For multiple years ISAC has worked with the Four Rivers Forestry Committee to sponsor Callery Pear awareness billboards in spring.

2018 Fall workday

2018 Fall workday

ISAC's fall workday in 2018 took place at the Dubois County Park.

2019 Garlic Mustard Pull

2019 Garlic Mustard Pull

Volunteers in spring 2019 pulled garlic mustard at Ferdinand State Forest.

2019 Folk Fest 1

2019 Folk Fest 1

Volunteer Ken Blessinger describing potted invasive plants to visitors at the 2019 Ferdinand Folk Fest.

2019 Folk Fest 2

2019 Folk Fest 2

A new display at the 2019 Ferdinand Folk Fest highlighting the DontMoveFirewood campaign.

2019 Landscaping Display

2019 Landscaping Display

A new 2019 display highlights landscaping invasive plants, including many that will be regulated in April 2020.

2019 Home Expo

2019 Home Expo

Volunteer Ron Rathfon talks to visitors at the 2019 Jasper Home Expo.

2018 Teacher Training 1

2018 Teacher Training 1

Justin Herbaugh, Ron Rathfon, and Greg Carpenter with a tree-of-heaven sample at the 2018 Teacher Training.

2018 Teacher Training 2

2018 Teacher Training 2

Justin Herbaugh covering invasive ID as part of the 2018 Teacher Training.



At the 2019 Landowner Invasive Control training Ron Rathfon gears up to demonstrate removal of invasive shrubs.



ISAC Workday



ISAC Workday



ISAC Workday

Check out photos from some of our events!

NEW! Chinese Silvergrass AlterNATIVES Handout

Check out our new handout on beautiful native alternatives to the invasive grass Chinese Silvergrass.​

Unfortunately, Chinese Silvergrass, aka Miscanthus, can still be sold for landscaping in Indiana.  Why not be proactive in protecting our native ecosystems and replace your Miscanthus with an alterNATIVE today?!


If you know a local retailer selling these alternatives, let us know so we can help direct people there!

For more handouts visit our Resources Page.  


© 2016

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